German Engineering firm, specializing in Machine Vision Systems for Manufacturing and Quality Control, opens its subsidiary in Johnson City, TN
JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., Sept. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- senswork, a German based company, just opened its subsidiary, senswork Inc. in Johnson City, Tennessee, to support their clients in North America. senswork is an expert in machine vision systems and specializes in optical inspection,
JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., Sept. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- senswork, a German based company, just opened its subsidiary, senswork Inc. in Johnson City, Tennessee, to support their clients in North America. senswork is an expert in machine vision systems and specializes in optical inspection,
clients, Tennessee, subsidiary, PRNewswire, Sept., Tenn., senswork Inc., optical inspection, North America, JOHNSON CITY, machine vision systems, German based company, expert