Black in Robotics ‘Meet The Members’ series: Andrew Dupree
Andrew Dupree is one of the product managers developing technology like this at Dexterity (p.s. they are hiring!) and, in this ‘Meet the Members’ post, we will look at his journey from pure engineering and working with nonprofits in Haiti to doing product development in the bay area for several budding hardware startups.
Andrew Dupree is one of the product managers developing technology like this at Dexterity (p.s. they are hiring!) and, in this ‘Meet the Members’ post, we will look at his journey from pure engineering and working with nonprofits in Haiti to doing product development in the bay area for several budding hardware startups.
Haiti, nonprofits, journey, Dexterity, technology, bay area, product development, pure engineering, Members’ post, product managers, Andrew Dupree, several budding hardware startups