THIS WEEK'S PERSONALITY: Matt Baumberger leads successful LHS Robotics Team
This week Matt Baumberger is off to Texas, where he and fellow members of the Loudonville High School Team 590B will compete in the VEX World Robotics Tournament. The son of Paul and Amy Baumberger of rural Perrysville, Baumberger is one of four seniors in ...
This week Matt Baumberger is off to Texas, where he and fellow members of the Loudonville High School Team 590B will compete in the VEX World Robotics Tournament. The son of Paul and Amy Baumberger of rural Perrysville, Baumberger is one of four seniors in ...
Paul, son, Texas, Amy Baumberger, Matt Baumberger, four seniors, rural Perrysville, fellow members, VEX World Robotics Tournament, Loudonville High School Team 590B