Locus Robotics Passes 2 Billion Units Picked Milestone
Robotic Fulfillment Provider Doubles Global Pick Volume in Just 11 Months WILMINGTON, Mass., Aug. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Locus Robotics, a global leader in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for warehouse automation, today announced that its AMR solutions ...
Robotic Fulfillment Provider Doubles Global Pick Volume in Just 11 Months WILMINGTON, Mass., Aug. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Locus Robotics, a global leader in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for warehouse automation, today announced that its AMR solutions ...
Aug., Mass., WILMINGTON, 11 Months, AMR solutions, warehouse automation, Locus Robotics, global leader, Global Pick Volume, autonomous mobile robots, Robotic Fulfillment Provider, PRNewswire, AMRs