STARTUPS DETAILS enables the optimisation of social and humanitarian outcomes at global scale.AI and big-data can help find the right evidence and gaps, to help ensure the right interventions and support get to the right people and place to reduce damage and improve outcomes .


AI and big-data can help find the right evidence and gaps, to help ensure the right interventions and support get to the right people and place to reduce damage and improve outcomes ... moving us towards a resilient recovery and better future. is a startup that uses some pretty cool technology to help for-purpose organisations to optimise their impact so they have the freedom to do more good. For way too long, purpose-driven organisations around the world have struggled to collate their data in a way that helps them to truly understand the impact of their programs. This has made it harder for them to make decisions in real-time and do more good for the people they are helping. Our solution is a platform that gives for-purpose organisations exactly what they need to do more good.


  • Information Technology

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