لهجة هي صفحة تعتني باللهجات العربية في 23 بلد عربي تهتم بتفسير و تبسيط اللهجات العربية في ما بينها مع عرض كلمات ومواضيع من وحي الشارع العربي بطريقة مختلفة، مميزة ومؤثرة تبرز إختلاف اللهجات مما يحفّز الحوار والتفاعل البنّاء لفهم لهجاتنا.


Lahja project, which is a linguistic platform that brings together 23 Arab countries via their dialects with our site, page FB, & App, this platform is created to try to unify the Arab world in its different dialects via several technological solutions (website, application, answering chatbot and offer a solution during the WC 2022 in Qatar as it is the first time that the toilet will be played in Arab soil.


  • Natural Language Processing

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