
Human-assisted no-code machine learning platform for information & document processing, to break silos for enterprises. Keito enables enterprises to go digital, and to leverage the power of information within days. We enable enterprises to classify emails/images, extract information, and discover information from large volumes, irrespective of the type of data-image, documents, emails, voice. This can be achieved with our self-configurable platform. Making AI systems easy to create, train, and validate, and deploy and configure on cloud or on-premise as per customer choice.


Kapture - Image Classification and Extraction Ira - Email Classification with AI Discover - Data discovery for faster decision making Keito enables enterprises to go digital, and to leverage the power of information within days. We enable enterprises to classify emails/images, extract information, and discover information from large volumes, irrespective of the type of data-image, documents, emails, voice. This can be achieved with our self-configurable platform. Making AI systems easy to create, train, and validate, and deploy and configure on cloud or on-premise as per customer choice.


  • Internet

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